Confessions of Dorian Gray Wiki
Confessions of Dorian Gray Wiki
Human Remains
Main character(s): Dorian Gray
Main setting: 1998
Main setting: Melrose Hospital
Key crew
Publisher: Big Finish
Writer: James Goss
Director: Scott Handcock
Producer: Scott Handcock
Music: James Dunlop
Sound: Neil Gardner
Release details
Story number: 4.3
Release date: November 2015
Production code: BFPDGBOX03
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Release order
Freya His Dying Breath
Chronological order
Trick or Treat The Mayfair Monster

Human Remains was the third story in the fourth series of Dorian Gray.


London, 1998. To alleviate a typical bout of boredom, Dorian decides to have his appendix removed - again - and checks himself into “a very nice private hospital”. However, upon his recovery, he sees a hideous creature stalking the wards. Is it just a side-effect of the drugs, his mind playing tricks... or is there something more sinister going on at Melrose Hospital?
